Tristan Louis compiles a set of research studies and links as he pulls together what is known about the Characteristics of Virtual World Users. I have had a few posts here about the use of virtual worlds for immersive marketing experiences and their potential for new forms of entertainment-education.
This study notes that the users of these worlds are doubling in numbers in increasingly shorter periods of time - currently standing at 12 million and projected to reach 24 million within the next year. Second Life alone is reportedly growing at a 22% rate per month!
The average age of videogamers is 31 while those using virtual worlds are 26 years old. [Yes, remember that not all new technology and media users are the same.] Users also tend to be better educated and more affluent than the US population as a whole.
The data byte of interest to me is that the average user spends between 22-29 hours a week engaged in their virtual worlds. But before we go off on how they could 'more productively' be using that time - training for an ultra marathon perhaps? - the more immediate point is that these users' daily (virtual) reality are areas that deserve more attention. Research questions abound, and hopefully some enterprising students and faculty will help us understand and consider these virtual realities as we think about and conduct social marketing and social change programs.
via MicroPersuasion
Technorati Tags: Audience Research, Immersive Marketing, Videogamers, Virtual Worlds