After the advergaming report released last week, the good news/bad news is that there are plenty of other marketing activities on the web that you can investigate. Advergames were an obvious target, especially when you choose to focus on food companies in these days of the war on obesity. How many children actually go to these sites and spend as much time on them as adult researchers do is the unanswered question.
If you enjoy thinking about how to incorporate advertising, games and entertainment (and immersion or engagement) into your programs, or are curious as to where marketing minds are going, these sites will provide you with some inspiration (or perspiration).
Interested in reaching the online gamer culture? Try out Xfire (N=4.7 million) and read some of their advertising case studies and a review at Resonance Partnership.
I've written about Neopets (N>70 million) before, but it's a good reference point before heading over to Whyville (N=1.7 million).
Finally, a preview of the first retail store opening in Second Life (N ~ 350K) is at the MIT Advertising Lab and get some information about the American Cancer Society's Second Life Relay for Life fundraiser.
Guess some people may need to revise their ideas of what constitutes an audience's everyday life.
Photo by Lynette Webb (click to enlarge)
Technorati Tags:
Advergames, Xfire, Marketing, Neopets, Second Life, Whyville