Can social marketing be used in community settings? Involve real people from the community? Focus on more than just individual behavior change?
The International Social Marketing Asoscation's (iSMA) webinar series continues with several of my colleagues from the Florida Prevention Research Center (FPRC) at the University of South Florida College of Public Health talking about the evolution of community-based prevention marketing practice and research.
The dates and times are:
Time One: Thursday, January 29 at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time/ 1:00 pm EST / 6:00 pm UTC+0 (GMT).
Time Two: Thursday, January 29 at 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time/ 7:00 pm EST / 12:00 am UTC+0 (GMT) / Friday, January 30 at 11:00 am Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
"Community-Based Prevention Marketing (CBPM): Evolution from Programming to Policy Development to Systems Change" is based on over 15 years of work developing and testing CBPM. CBPM provides community coalitions with a marketing driven, systematic planning framework and toolkit for selecting, tailoring, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based interventions. Building on the achievements of CBPM for Program Development and its successor, CBPM for Policy Development, the FPRC is taking CBPM to the next level by bringing advances in systems science to the development of CBPM for Systems Change.
This webinar will provide an explanation of CBPM for Policy Development and its effectiveness. Participants will also be introduced to CBPM for Systems Change. By understanding the different levels of systems, and then designing social marketing strategies based on those insights, social marketers can have greater impact. Lessons learned from research and development of these frameworks will be shared to illustrate ‘upstream’ social marketing.
Presented by Carol A. Bryant, Distinguished USF Health Professor & Co-Director, FPRC; Alyssa B. Mayer & Mahmooda Khaliq Pasha, Doctoral Students (FPRC); Tali Schneider, Administrator (FPRC); and Brian J. Biroscak, Assistant Professor (Yale University) & Evaluation Lead (FPRC).
Space is limited to 150 participants per presentation. iSMA members receive early registration privileges.
• iSMA members may register for the webinar for free.
• Non-members may register for $50 per webinar; Note that a standard annual iSMA membership costs only $49.95, $24.95 for students and $4.95/$2.95 for those from developing countries.
Register at
Also available at this link are the archives from the previous 10 webinars, including full recordings, handouts and slide presentations.