How do gossip and viral marketing play out in teddy bear clinics and with city rangers talking about wild boar? Do these approaches also reduce fear associated with hospital visits? In the next International Social Marketing Association (iSMA) webinar, Swiss social marketer Maurice Codourey sums up his research findings and many presentations at international congresses. He will also address the effectiveness of non-medical public presentations, constructivist didactics and municipal intelligence. Maurice works in innovative health care in Switzerland, lectures on social marketing at the EB School in Zurich, and is also a visiting professor at the West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin in Poland. He is the President of the Swiss Association of Communication and Marketing of Public Health and a Founding Member of the European Social Marketing Association.
I’ve signed up for one of the sessions on Wednesday, 17 September 2014. You can too. Two separate, live presentations are scheduled to accommodate global time zone differences. Go to the iSMA site for more information and to register.