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Stephen Hamill

While I don't find the materials all that inspiring - then again I am not the target audience! - I hope that these are foundational materials for a well-coordinated effort that brings together stakeholders and resources from other government agencies, NGO's etc. I can certainly see these being adapted to more specific audiences in order to address segmentation issues - a Spanish language, Latino version for Los Angeles youth groups, for instance. I'm surprised, and maybe a little disappointed that, given the media consumption habits of this demographic, we aren't seeing a more social media-focused attempt - tools that cause these images to become a source of conversation, ways to provoke sharing or re-interpretation/re-purposing. Maybe that's too experimental and risky for government . . .


Excellent overview on Tobacco control social marketing efforts and the importance of synergies to further leverage limited resources. The idea of segmentation can also be a good one although many reviews identify that cessation campaigns directed to the broader audience of tobacco users usually perform as well in supporting prevention as campaigns to specific youth audience segments. Worth noting when trying to get the best bang for your campaign funds.

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