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Thanks for your comments Jeffrey. I have also had the bewildering experiences of trying to decipher the SMM vendors, especially when they are so divergent. Good luck with your talk next week. We need to start shifting the marketplace dynamic of SMM measurement from the producers' push to users' pull. Broad use of the transparency table for sources and methods is a step in the right direction.


Thankyou, for the introduction to #SMMStandards Craig.
Could not have timed this post better. I've been scratching around looking at various commercial SMM packages and encountering the same issue, transparency.
Attempting any sort of critical analysis was not only drawing a blank but a range of very defensive posturing especially from SMM & CRM vendors.. Current offerings are a real black-box product from which I have not been able to obtain any sort of replication in results between packages never mind business activity. I understand this could, and possibly should be expected, but it is not accounted for transparently.
Transparency of measurements and methods will be central to the acceptance and engagement of SMM in any professional sense.
I will be paraphrasing your last sentence in a presentation on this very subject during the week - "Black Boxes & Faith-Based Decison Making In Social Media Measurement".

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