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Thanks for all of your suggestions Aarti! Your list spanned a lot of the social marketing waterfront, which I am glad see. The Zaltman article was not on my list. If you have a copy of it, please send it to me along with your mailing address for your free copy of the book. You can use the email link on the right hand column.


Hello again Dr. Craig,
I came across 2 other articles that are worth mentioning (if you hadn't done so already in your list and may like to consider adding them):

1) Cismaru M., Lavack A. M., Hadjistavropoulos H., and Dorsch K D. 2008. Understanding
Health Behavior: An Integrated Model for Social Marketers. Social Marketing
Quarterly, 14 (2), 2-32.

2) Brenkert G. G. 2002. Ethical Challenges of Social Marketing. Journal of Public Policy &
Marketing, 21 (1), 14-25.


Hi Craig,
This is a continuation of my earlier comment. The following are other articles that I referred to during my studies:

4) Svenkerud P. J. and Singhal A. 1998. Enhancing the Effectiveness of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs Targeted to Unique Population Groups in Thailand: Lessons Learned from Applying Concepts of Diffusion of Innovation and Social Marketing. Journal of Health Communication, 3, 193-216.

5) Zaltman, G. 1970. Marketing Inferences in the Behavioral Sciences. The Journal of Marketing, 34(3), 27-32.

6) Samuels S. E. 1993. Project LEAN: Lessons Learned from a National Social Marketing
Campaign. Public Health Reports, 108 (1), 45-53.

7) Plautz A., and Meekers D., 2007. Evaluation of the reach and impact of the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon: findings from three cross-sectional surveys. Reproductive Health, 4(1).

The above-mentioned articles were very useful to me, and I thought it would add to your list in some manner.



Hello Craig,
I've been following your blog for sometime now. I'm a lifetime student of social marketing and felt the need to comment on this blog entry. I think the following articles have been quite helpful to me during my studies:
1) Neiger B. L., Thackeray R., Barnes M. D., and McKenzie J. F 2003. Positioning Social Marketing as a Planning Process for Health Education. American Journal of Health Studies, 18 (2/3), 75-81.

2) Gordon R., McDermott L., Stead M., and Angus K. 2006. The effectiveness of social
marketing interventions for health improvement: What’s the evidence? Journal of
the Royal Institute of Public Health, 120, 1133-1139.

3) Stead M., Hastings G., and McDermott L. 2007. The meaning, effectiveness and future of
social marketing. Obesity Reviews, 8 (1), 189-193.

There are a couple of other articles that I wish to add to this list.Perhaps in my next comment..

Hope this helps for the meantime



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