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Tiffany Sutter Straus

Interesting findings. I agree more research should be done in this area.


Intelligent & Insightful. Thanks!

Eric Neblung, Ph.D.


Some great points touched on here. "Social media is not a new way to “reach” people - it is an 'attract and join' space." That is a great way to put it.

I think marketers, even social marketers, often forget that most people outside of communications jobs don't see social media as a channel. It is part of their private life. You have to tread carefully and not just try to take advantage of the "free" space.

That's why your advice about "the great leap that people must make when working with social media is designing content with the expectation that it will be passed on by others" is really effective.


Redbird Communications
(an agency that specializes in changing behaviour and awareness campaigns)

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