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really like your what -ifs - very bottom up/social justice approach - which i think falls more in line with social marketing rather as opposed to treating people like clients in commercial marketing. I am interested in using social marketing to sell peace, doing a couple of projects now at Brandeis University - any thoughts?
good work thanks and for your posts

Rachael Randal

Craig, I read this post with much interest and decided to take up your challenge – I've posted a referral to your What Ifs on my blog (http://healthypi.blogspot.com/) and added some thoughts of my own. Thanks for your insights as always!


Glad to hear you have the 'innovation bias' bug too! Your description of the literature as 'more of the same' is exactly what I mean by the echo chamber comments. I have to go far and wide of the social marketing field to get any inspiration myself (and hopefully bring some of that back here).

Last January I taught an 'advanced social marketing course' and the number one comment I received from the students - several with many years of social marketing experience - was how 'liberating' it was in allowing them to think about other ways of 'thinking about and dong' social marketing. A sad commentary on what should be more exciting and rewarding work.

Hopefully the book will point down some new paths. In the meanwhile, stay tuned here.

Kelly Evans

Thanks Craig for this blog post. I agree with your comments and enjoyed your "what ifs". I think there is a need for leaders in the field to 'innovate'. Much of the reading I have come across over the last year has been much of the same. Great for a beginner - but for those who are more advanced in the field there is very little to 'boost' or inspire different ways of working.I do hope that in 2011 we can see more 'innovation'. As social marketers if we don't, we are at risk of being swept away by cynics and others who question the value of social marketing as a discipline. I look forward to reading your book when it is published!


Thanks for your comment Nedra and your ability to take the social marketing approach to so many others.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book, Craig. Your points are excellent, and you are correct that this book is not intended to innovate the field, but to provide a solid introduction to the overall process for those who are relatively new to social marketing. I'm very much looking forward to seeing your forthcoming book, because you always help us look at the field from a different perspective by asking challenging questions like these.

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