My colleagues and I believe that Mktg 1.0
represented an effort to establish the superior performance of a product
("Tide cleans better," "Volvo is safety,") In Mktg
2.0, marketing added an emotional dimension to strengthen its appeal to
prospective customers. We are entering Mktg 3.0 where marketers
are adding a human spirit dimension. Mktg 1.0 and 2.0 is how about a
product or offering will serve you. Mktg 3.0 is how a product and
its company are sensitive to social and economic issues that are a concern to
everyone. Companies that conduct themselves ecologically and create real
value that aligns with the social good will be competitively
favored. The new media will increasingly carry more favorable
statements about "caring" companies" and this will influence the
buying choices of more consumers.
My thanks to Phil for the slide and the comment. There will be more to come in Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan, Mktg 3.0: From Products to Customers to the
Human Spirit to be published by John Wiley in April 2010.