In response to a number of requests, we now have a PayPal account established so you can send in your pledges and new contributions more easily. Please do this as soon as possible so we can proceed with our planning and budgeting for organizing activities between now and next June. You can directly access our PayPal account here.
We are also in the midst of establishing an overall Organizing (or Guidance) Committee. Nominees from developing countries are especially welcome at this point to assure that the global presence and activities of social marketing are represented on the board. Some countries have taken the step of convening groups to make nominations; you might consider that as well to avoid too many individuals applying separately - space is limited on this committee, though there will be plenty of positions available on the work groups once they are established by the Organizing Committee.
I have also prepared a brief survey to assess the level of interest in having a World Congress of Social Marketing on 13-14 June 2010 as part of the launch of the association. Please take the 2-3 minutes to complete it so we can make an informed decision if this is something the community would like to see happen and participate in.
Several groups are leveraging this global organizing effort to foster local organizing activities as well, including the Australians and Europeans. Convergence of energies is something to behold!