More than three-quarters of Americans (76 percent) support increasing
funding for prevention programs that provide people with information
and resources and creating policies that help people make healthier
choices. Investing in prevention is popular across the political
spectrum, with 86 percent of Democrats, 71 percent of Republicans, and
70 percent of Independents supporting investing more in prevention [from media release].
Invest in more prevention to help people stay healthy and reduce diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease was ranked higher than the other policy options they were presented with and asked how big a priority each one was for them in reforming health care in the US.
- Provide tax credits to small businesses to help small businesses provide affordable health insurance to their employees.
- Prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage because of age, medical history, or pre-existing condition.
- Require all Americans to have health insurance while providing financial assistance to those who cannot afford it.
- Require all businesses to provide health care for their employees or contribute to a fund to help pay for their coverage.
- Give all Americans a choice of keeping their current insurance or joining a national insurance pool with a choice of private and public plans administered by the government.
Results from a new poll sponsored by the Trust for America's Health and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Nice to see that people have their priorities lined up about what's good for them.