There are a number of activities going on that you may want to catch up on or participate in. Here's my latest list (and thanks to all those who send them in).
1. The Institute of Social Marketing at the Stirling University and the Open University in the UK is conducting a survey to explore demand and delivery preferences for postgraduate study and qualifications in social marketing. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is running through February. If you would like to participate in the survey you can either go directly to surveymonkey or to the ISM site for a link.
2. Emerson College in Boston will host the Fifth Annual Summer Institute for Social Marketing & Health Communication 12-17 July 2009. The goal of the Institute is to bring communication and creative professionals together to work in interdisciplinary teams that apply social marketing theory and principles to some of the key social and health issues of our time. The five and a half days of the Summer Institute include interactive lecture and discussion sessions, case study presentations, networking with distinguished guest lecturers, and group exercises. For more information.
3. Slides and audio recordings of the presentations given at the GWU Health Communication and Marketing Seminar on 3 Feb 2009, Growth of new media in health communication & marketing, are now posted under Archived Lectures on the Quarterly Lecture Series web page. The presentations included An Online Social Network Approach for Smoking Cessation; Using Social Media to Reach Women with "The Heart Truth;" and "Ligne Verte" Toll-Free Hotline: Using cell phones to increase access to family planning information in the Democratic Republic of Congo. [Ed Note: Also of interest to you may be the audio of the presentation made by Jeff French of the National Social Marketing Centre in December 2008 on Social marketing as a public policy tool: experience in the UK].
4. The call for papers is out for the Third Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media 11-13 August 2009 in Atlanta, GA, USA. Deadline for submissions is 16 March 2009. More information.