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You bring up an important point about these new media that tends to get overlooked by the techies who will write the 'gee whiz' books about technology use in the campaign. From a behavior change POV, the power of interpersonal communication (IPC) is unsurpassed. What we have the potential for doing with social media, and I think the Obama tapped it pretty well, is to take IPC to scale - not just in political campaigns, but in public health and social change campaigns as well (and not that it hasn't already been done many times in the latter arena in particular). Social media is not just a new set of channels for communications. Social media has the power to become a tool for relationship building that can have big payoffs in terms of loyalty, behavior change, and yes, passion. Thanks for the note Louis.


I couldn't agree with you more. There will be books written about Obama's internet campaign. He used seemingly one-to-one communication to build a strong relationship with each of his supporters. And it paid off in passion.

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