The 19th Annual Social Marketing in Public Health Conference will be held in Clearwater Beach, FL 17-20 June 2009. The conference is designed for social marketers, public health professionals, health educators in a variety of settings, program planners and administrators, health communication and health information specialists, policy makers, researchers, academicians, and graduate students.
The conference planning committee is now inviting abstract submissions to be considered for oral presentations and/or posters. The submission deadline is December 1st, 2008.
The abstract should demonstrate the application of social marketing strategies to health behavior change, service marketing or improvement of public health practice. Abstracts may describe social marketing programs, innovative research methods, and theoretical advances. Conference reviewers favor abstracts that clearly address and illustrate all 4Ps of the marketing mix. Projects should be completed, not “in process.”
This year we will have 3 special sessions examining the role of social determinants in public health, new technologies and their applications to social marketing programs and graduate student research. We also invite abstracts that address the health objectives for the nation, promote social marketing within one’s own agency, demonstrate the sustainability and/or self-sufficiency of social marketing programs, or use innovative methods to understand consumer needs and wants. Other suggested topics include, but are not limited to: the use of social marketing to ameliorate health problems and issues of special populations; evaluation of social marketing programs and strategies; social marketing approaches to defining health problems; examining solutions to health problems, and changing health practices in school and community settings, and training and education in social marketing.
Abstract application and instruction form and guidelines for abstract submissions.
Looking forward to the conference. Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by: LouisLaurent | 19 November 2008 at 01:33 PM