Here is a quiz on the latest usage data for the iPhone. While the iPhone has helped turn up the volume on mobile applications in many media, and for some is the new status symbol, what are the realities?
1. There are ______ million current users of the iPhone in October 2008.
a. >15
b. 15
c. 10
d. 5
e. <5
2. Of the people who considered buying an iPhone this year, ____ actually did.
a. 8%
b. 21%
c. 49%
d. 55%
e. 69%
3. The largest proportion of iPhone users are:
a. <18 years old
b. 18-24 years old
c. 25-34 years old
d. 35-54 years old
e. >55 years old
4. Minority wireless subscribers are less likely to use an iPhone.
a. True
b. False
5. Monthly phone bills of more than $100 are paid by ____% of iPhone users.
a. 68%
b. 43%
c. 20%
d. 8%
And the answers from a Nielsen survey [via FierceWireless] are -
1. Nielsen estimates that there are 3.6 million mobile subscribers ages 13+ actively using the Apple iPhone, as of October 2008...Among those subscribers who acquired their phone in the past three months, iPhone had a 3% market share in Q3 2008, behind the Motorola RAZR V3 series which still had a 5% share of recently acquired devices. Correct answer is E.
2. 11% of those purchasing a new mobile phone between January and September of this year considered purchasing an iPhone... 21% of those who considered purchasing the iPhone during that period converted to acquisition. Correct answer is B.
3. Adults 35-54 make up the largest portion of iPhone users (34%). Correct answer is D.
4. Hispanic subscribers make up a larger portion of the iPhone audience (21%) than of the total U.S. subscriber audience (13%). Correct answer is False.
5. 43% of iPhone users have a monthly bill of more than $100 (compared to 20% of all subscribers) - and 13% of iPhone users have their employer footing the bill (compared to 7% of all subscribers). Correct answer is B. Guess the employers are sipping the Kool-Aid too.
The moral is do not be misled, or draw your own inferences, from the hype. Also note (again) that the demographics may not be what you expected. And we should note that the price barrier is substantial (thank you AT&T) for all those who use the data services (98% of iPhone users download music, software or video). Last factoid: iPhone subscribers are twice as likely as all wireless subscribers to have a household income of $100K+ (44% vs. 22%). Yes, we can talk about an iPhone gap as a signal of a broader wireless internet access gap that is coming soon - unless you are having it installed in your new Chrysler.
That's great information on iPhone usage. As an iPhone fan I find it addicting. It helped dampen a golf trip as I couldn't help but watch the stock market crash.
Posted by: LouisLaurent | 04 December 2008 at 10:37 AM