Three opportunities for social marketers to become involved with the field's development have appeared in the last week. They include a call of participants in a survey of how social marketing is viewed by our peers, a call for conference papers and one for publication submissions from student authors.
From Susan Kirby - You are invited to
participate in the first survey to identify benefits of, barriers to, and
potential methods for increasing the value of social and health marketing
inside organizations. This survey will be important to continuing to build on
information needed to build support for a national strategy for
social marketing. It is aimed at understanding how external
audiences see social marketing today. Thank you for taking time to provide your anonymous insights on this important
topic. No cookies will be loaded to your computer, unless you leave the survey
and choose to return later. This survey will remain open until 1 November 2008 at 5pm EDT. Here is the link. Please only take the survey one time. You can contact Susan with any questions.
From Walter Wymer - 2009 International Nonprofit and Social Marketing (INSM) Conference July 14-15 in Melbourne, Victoria Australia. Co-hosted by Victoria University
and Swinburne University
From Lorien Abroms - Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing is a student-edited, peer-reviewed journal of The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services. We are currently seeking submissions for Volume 3. To be considered for Volume 3, student authors must submit a brief letter of intent by Friday, November 14, 2008 to the journal editors at [email protected]. The deadline for submission is Friday, December 19, 2008. The journal is scheduled for publication in June 2009. For further details and to check out past volumes.