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Jim Mintz

I think that it is quite unfortunate that we confuse health communications campaigns with social marketing campaigns which are quite different. As someone who was responsible for all the health campaigns for the federal government in Canada for over 25 years we found that using marketing methodology in your health campaigns will give you a much better chance of success.
We have had the same experience at the Centre of Excellence for Public Sector Marketing (www.publicsectormarketing.ca) where we assist organizations develop behaviour change campaigns.

Also we find that health campaigns are too reliant on the promotion P and don't consider the other 3 p's of marketing which in our view is a big mistake. Finally within promotion/communication we find that organizations are too reliant on advertising and public service announcements as well as static web products and the usual print products like posters and pamphlets. Here at the Centre we focus on all 4 P's and our promotional tactics are very much focused on strategic alliances with other sectors , especially the private sector, personal selling/face to face marketing and most important digital/social media marketing.


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