The latest issue of Cases in Public Health Communication and Marketing goes live today. Cases is the online journal published by the Public Health Communications and Marketing Program in the School of Public Health and Health Services at George Washington University. It is devoted to publishing case studies as a way to advance practice-oriented learning in the fields of public health communication and social marketing and to make this information free and accessible to any online user. You will find it here - then click on the Current Volume tab in the upper left hand corner of your screen. The articles include:
Peer Reviewed
- A Syphilis Elimination Media Campaign in Oklahoma County
- Talk to the Fifth Guy: A Lesson in Social Marketing
- Voices and Images: Tuberculosis Photovoice in a Binational Setting
- The 4:3:2:1 Healthy Kids Project: A Pilot Intervention to Reduce Childhood Obesity in Elementary School Students
- Key Components in Planning, Implementing and Monitoring a Behavior Change Communication Campaign that Increased Condom Use among Male Clients of Sex Workers in Southern India
A special section is devoted to invited papers that describe the use of social media in public health communication and marketing efforts.
- New Media and the VERB™ Campaign: Tools to Motivate Tweens to Be Physically Active
- Health Communication and Marketing Research with New Media: Case Study of the Parents Speak Up National Campaign Evaluation
- Raising Awareness of Sustainable Food Issues and Building Community via the Integrated Use of New Media with Other Communication Approaches
- A Case Study of Using New Media to Promote Recycling in North Carolina
Using New Media to Make HIV Personal: A Partnership of MTV and the Kaiser Family Foundation
In an accompanying editorial, New Media Cases in Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing: The Promise and Potential, Lorien Abroms, Renata Schiavo and I note:
… despite the widespread use of new media by the public, there are few instances where new media have been used in the context of public health campaigns and even fewer which have been documented in the published literature. This volume of Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing is devoted to addressing this gap. In this volume, we have solicited case studies which represent instances of new media being used in the development, dissemination and/or evaluation of public health media campaigns. By bringing together a collection of such cases into one volume, it is our hope that these cases can serve as models which inspire the design of future public health campaigns. Furthermore, by bringing together such cases, we hope to elucidate both what we already know and what we need to know about using new media effectively in public health media campaigns.