Cases in Public Health Communication and Marketing put its first issue online this week. The new student-edited journal from The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services is described as: open access, online, peer-reviewed journal containing case studies that dissect contemporary work in the fields of public health communication and social marketing. Each case identifies the lessons learned from a recent public health program – whether successful or not – for the purpose of improving the practice of public health communication and marketing. All peer-reviewed case studies in the journal were developed through a collaborative process that required graduate students and their faculty advisers to partner with the practitioners who implemented the public health program.
Cases featured in the premier issue include:
- Donate Life California: A Campaign Launch Case Study.
- Screen for Life: Using targeted health messages to increase participation in a state colorectal cancer screening program.
- The Social Marketing of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs) in Kenya
- Opposition to Effective Social Marketing: Lorillard Tobacco Company's Failed Attempt to Shut Down the American Legacy Foundation
- The Birth of "truth" (and What It Tells Us About the Importance of Horizontal Influence)
The journal is managed and edited by graduate students in the Public Health Communication & Marketing program at GWU (and shout outs to Jennifer, Ellen and Jenna for a job well done with this first issue). Health comm and marketing faculty/students in particular should consider it for publication of some of their relevant work in the years to come.
So welcome Cases to the social marketing space!