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Marianne Richmond

Use of mobile phones was such an obvious choice it is truly unfathomable that this was not the first tool of engagement on campus.


Exactly Toby. There are too many options from old-fashioned call trees to opt-in SMS alert systems (I have one for the DC Metro system and another from my bank) to Twitter to be satisfied with email and dry boards as message dissemination tools - specially on college campuses where the mobile phone is ubiquitous. As I said, ignorance is not an acceptable excuse any more.


Craig - After our panel discussion at the CDC I spoke with some of the EMarekting team about Twitter - a way to communicate through mobile text by forming groups (the same provider is not necessary). They immediately saw application use in remote areas and during a crisis. Overlay Google Maps and you have a visual Free alert system.

If I were a betting kinda gal, I'd say that the majority of college students have cell phones. Marianne's suggestion that schools create Twitter groups to relay important information during disasters is brilliant. Those who don't have cells phones would learn about the situation through friends, as well as from the buzz that would be happening on campus.

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