New Toolkit Will Help Fight Against Obesity
NHS, council and community organisations will benefit from a new toolkit crammed with information about obesity, including practical tips on how to get active and healthy.
The resource, developed by the British Heart Forum and Faculty of Public Health, will support work that is already being developed across the South West…
The toolkit is part of an overall drive to reduce both childhood and adult obesity in the South West. Other key actions include:
…The development of the Health Living Social Marketing Initiative which is exploring what barriers people feel they have to overcome when trying to achieve healthy eating and an active lifestyle. The programme is developing new approaches to help motivate people to change their lifestyle.
Group Aims for Greener Campus
Students for Sustainable Living, a [Duke University] group dedicated to grassroots environmental change, has been working behind the scenes to encourage environmentally friendly behavior at the University. But unlike most student groups-many of which receive funding from the Student Organization Finance Committee-SSL is financed by the Office of the Executive Vice President and its members are compensated for their work…
Instead of trying to just raise awareness and spread information, SSL uses a social science research method called community-based social marketing to identify barriers to sustainability and implement practical, tangible changes, said SSL member Bradford Harris, a senior.
"I think a lot of the initiatives that students have undertaken have been designed to raise people's awareness, but SSL is incorporating CBSM to change people's habits," Harris said.
Dr Ken Outlines Right Dose
…The Pacific Health Ministers met again at Port Vila, Vanuatu two weeks ago. When the NCD [non-communicable diseases] was discussed, ministers recommended more effective ways to communicate the risk of unhealthy life styles through (a) use of social marketing in all settings include schools, (b) include the theme "Eat Local", (c) more effective sharing between countries on material on advocacy on health lifestyle, tobacco control etc that can be used in radio and television in small island states that do not have capacity to develop such material, and (c) continue primary prevention best practices. The ministers recommended applying a "whole-of-society" approach as well as a "whole-of-government" approach to NCD prevention and control.
Social marketing and reach out will be important measures for the efforts. We will provide our support to Ministries of Health in the Pacific to implement recommendations from Health Ministers. We will continue to work on healthy setting projects such as healthy school, healthy hospital, healthy working place and tobacco free village, tobacco free hospital.