Over dinner in Toronto during a social marketing and social media workshop convened by the Canadian Health Network, the topic turned to mobile thoughts. And I learned about an application of mobile technologies that addresses my regular concern about physical activity advocates recommending 30 minutes of aimless wandering.
[murmur] is an archival audio project that collects and curates stories set in specific Toronto locations, told by Torontonians themselves. At each of these locations, a [murmur] sign with a telephone number and location code marks where stories are available. By using a mobile phone, users are able to listen to the story of that place while engaging in the physical experience of being there. Some stories suggest that the listener walk around, following a certain path through a place, while others allow a person to wander with both their feet and their gaze.
Toronto has three [murmur] trails, with others established in Montreal, San Jose (California), Vancouver and the latest addition just launched in Leith, Scotland. As one of our group commented, "It's like being in a museum with the head phones on - except it's our own backyard."
Reminds me of Paths to Health with audio. Our next stop is Vancouver [click on image to enlarge]. Thanx Alison!