Must be the day for surveys. This one is focused on advanced training opportunities for social marketers. The good news is that both research groups were thinking about blogs as a way to get the word out. The invite is:
A growing number of social marketers around the world are seeking advanced training in the field. In order to help various trainers better respond to this emerging need, we invite you to participate in the current survey and to provide information that could be useful to many trainers and a variety of training events. Training events involves face-to-face, limited-time interaction with a social marketing trainer.
In appreciation of your participation, you will be eligible to enter a draw where five lucky winners will receive a social marketing book of their choice from the list mentioned towards the end of the survey. You may also wish to receive a summary of the research report if you choose.
They expect that it will take you 20 minutes to complete the survey. The closing date is 21 February 2007.
Please direct any questions you have to Sameer Despande.