Partnership Delivering Services to Fight HIV/AIDS in the Pacific
The Asian Development Bank is engaged in a partnership that is delivering HIV/AIDS prevention services in 10 small Pacific developing countries…
Activities that have started or are planned include developing a condom social marketing program through mass media, training health care workers, tracking the spread of HIV/AIDS, and designing information and communication materials for vulnerable groups…
Seafarers are among the groups that run a high risk of exposure to HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.
“Preparations are well underway to establish seafarers drop-in centers in Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Kiribati,” says Salli Davidson, Project Coordinator from SPC
“Drop-in centres are secure, comfortable areas where they can access the Internet, call home, and get access to information on safe sex, as well as get referrals for voluntary HIV testing and counselling.”
TV Show Will Address Depression, Suicide
Wyoming has had the highest rate of suicide in the nation for the past two years and the second highest rate for the past two decades, according to the State Suicide Prevention Task Force.
“Our ultimate goal is to reduce suicide rates across the state by working on confronting the stigma that surrounds mental illness and suicide,” Hotle said. “We live in a cowboy-up kind of state with the perception that mental illness is a character flaw or personal defect. What we’d like to do is rely on all the evidence in the field that depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and it can be diagnosed and treated.”
…The state is working toward launching a five-year social marketing media campaign to shift common misconceptions and attitudes about mental illness.
Binge-Drink Ads Take a New Tack
The audio features the voice of a female with a heavy Merseyside accent, who says: ‘Pssst! Pssst! Did you know too much alcohol can cause man-boobs and penis shrinkage? Be alcohol-aware.’
The campaign, which also includes posters and stickers in urinals that become visible when wet, is a joint effort from Liverpool [UK] Primary Care Trust and Citysafe, Liverpool’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership.
…Darren Gilligan, licensee of the Picture House on London Road, said: “They put the frighteners up you. It’s quite funny. To be fair, all our customers are paying attention to it. They all come out of the toilets saying ‘man boobs’. I don’t think it will stop people buying alcohol though, but it’s getting the message across.”
Jane Thomas, social marketing innovator at Liverpool Primary Care Trust, said the campaign was created in response to past failed attempts to engage with drinkers: “Our research shows that traditional methods of campaigning aren¹t working so we decided to use a revolutionary new approach.”
Public Health Department Launches Campaign to Tackle Obesity
The campaign, called Eat Healthy, Live Active, has one simple message said Melanie Garbarz, a public health planner who is co-ordinating the campaign [Waterloo, Ontario, Canada].
Parents can take steps everyday to ensure their kids develop healthy eating and activity habits that will last a lifetime…
The health unit is employing a social marketing strategy that has worked on other public health campaigns like the reduction of cosmetic pesticide use. "It's about doing behaviour change at a community level," said Garbarz.
It is sending postcards and posters to parents, while also putting together a series of six community workshops in the new year which will provide hands-on cooking classes with demonstrations of simple family-oriented physical activities.