The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the Office of Public Health and Science, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is sponsoring a study to look at options for creating national disease prevention and health promotion objectives for the year 2020. The main tasks of the study are to:
- identify basic principles to guide the development of objectives
- identify selection criteria to ensure the objectives are scientifically sound and significant to public health
- develop a way to prioritize the objectives.
A technical expert panel has helped develop a “Draft Model for Developing 2020 Health Objectives” strategy that could be used to prepare national objectives for the coming decade. [Disclosure: I serve on this group]. The Model includes guiding principles - broad health goals that all objectives should help to achieve; criteria - a set of standards the objectives must meet in order to be included in the initiative; and a distributed, collaborative process for creating objectives
You have the opportunity to comment on the Draft Model for Developing 2020 Objectives. We are interested in the opinions of all Americans—consumers, public health professionals, advocates, health care providers, businesspeople, teachers, environmentalists, and others—because national health objectives must reflect the priorities and needs of the nation as a whole.
So in the spirit of collaboration and fostering the development of user-generated content, please take a few minutes to visit the website, download the Draft Model for review, submit your comments and pass the word along to other people you know who may also be interested in contributing to the Healthy People 2020 process in its formative stage.