You will notice that there are a few new features at the bottom of each RSS feed and post. These are a few of the new items available from Feedburner (FeedFlares) through Typepad. The RSS feeds now have an email opportunity at the bottom; the posts also have an email link and an option to click and add a post to your tags. More options may appear in the next few weeks. I don't usually call attention to these types of updates. Because I had to pull so hard on help from both Feedburner and Six Apart technical/customer support to get this done, I have to publicly say 'thanks' to them for their patience and responsiveness to my ongoing requests for help, answering my questions and trouble shooting with me over the weekend and into Monday. They make exploring these spaces and technologies a lot friendlier and hopefully more useful for you!
Technorati Tags: Feedburner, FeedFlares, Six Apart, Typepad