The first appearance of an article about social marketing in a public health journal was in 1988. Since then, the practice of social marketing has exploded. The article has been on the reading lists for numerous public health courses, reprinted in a text on health communications and is the third most cited work on social marketing at Google Scholar. Recently, the publishers of the journal in which the article first appeared gave me permission to reproduce it electronically and distribute it from the blog. I've been wondering when the 'right' time would be to post it; on an anniversary sounds like a good idea. So here is Social Marketing and Public Health Intervention by June Flora and myself as it originally appeared in Health Education Quarterly. I think you'll find it is as timely and informative now as it was when it first appeared.
This article reviews basic social marketing principles, techniques and their application. The discussion is based on the authors' experience in two large community-based projects - the Pawtucket Heart Health Program (PHHP) and the Stanford Five-City Project - from which examples will be presented. The challenges posed by these projects lead us to conclude that social marketing is an invaluable referent from which to design, implement, evaluate, and manage large-scale, broad-based, behavior-change focused programs.
Download social_marketing_and_public_health_intervention.pdf
Enjoy it and pass the word!
Technorati Tags: Health Communication, Health Education, Interventions, Public Health, Social Marketing
AZ - I don't know if the conclusions would change all that much but the emphasis certainly has. I'll pull together some thoughts about this and post in a few days about it.
Nedra - not sure what is causing your problem as I can't replicate it. If others are having a similar problem, leave a comment or use the email link to let me know and I'll see what I can do about it.
Posted by: Craig | 21 March 2006 at 03:52 PM
Hi Craig,
I tried downloading the article twice and just get a blank pdf. Can you check it to make sure it's formatted correctly? Thanks!
Posted by: Nedra Weinreich | 21 March 2006 at 12:42 PM
Craig - thx for sharing this article. I wanna know how/if your views on SM have changed since the publication of this article. How would your conclusions be different if you were writing it today?
Posted by: azawislanski | 21 March 2006 at 09:05 AM