On Social Marketing and Social Change has taken Rohit's multilingual challenge. [Thanks for the help Rohit; I'm going to pass on the graphics for now.] The languages that this blog can currently be translated into are in the right column. Clicking on any of these links will quickly translate into that language the current page and others the reader goes to on this blog. Translations are done by a new Google offering. Please let me know if the translations are useful, comprehensible and relevant. Google is in beta with Chinese, Korean and Japanese and when these are ready to roll out, I will add them.
As of today, about 70% of the visitors to this blog are from the US. As you can see below, you come from all over the globe. Hopefully the translation feature will make the content of this blog useful to a broader community of health communicators, social change agents and social marketers.
Please let your colleagues know about these translation services and invite them to sit at the social marketing table with us.
Technorati Tags: Health Communication, Multilingual Challenge, Social Marketing