The NY Times continues its series on diabetes today: Living at an Epicenter of Diabetes.
Months spent in the easy company of the shop's dozen or so regulars reveal something more than just the insidiousness of Type 2 diabetes, the disease's most common form. Those months, and conversations, disclose with relentless consistency the human behavior that makes dealing with Type 2 often feel so futile - the force of habit, the failure of will, the shrugging defeatism, the urge to salve a hard life by surrendering to small comforts: a piece of cake, a couple of beers, a day off from sticking oneself with needles.
A number of touching audience sketches that provide understanding but, unfortunately, little insight or answers. People who conduct or commission audience research studies take note: descriptions are nice, but insights as to what motivates, reinforces and maintains behaviors are what lead to effective strategies and programs.
Technorati Tags: Audience Research, Diabetes