In conjunction with World AIDS Day, the Kaiser family Foundation has released new data on public opinions and concerns on HIV/AIDS - Kaiser Public Opinion Spotlight: World AIDS Day 2005: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States and U.S. Government Spending - Kaiser Family Foundation.
In general, the public recognizes HIV as a problem facing the country and is supportive of federal spending to fight the epidemic... In 2005, 16% of the public name HIV/AIDS as the most urgent health problem facing the nation ... [41%] say that the United States is making progress on the problem of HIV/AIDS in the country...42% [say] the federal government spends too little money on HIV/AIDS, and one-third (33%) [say] spending is about right..[and] when asked about federal spending on AIDS compared with other health problems such as heart disease and cancer, the public is most likely to say spending on HIV/AIDS is about right (43%).